The Cookie Policy

  1. The Service may use “cookie” files (thereinafter as “cookies”). Cookies identify the browser of the User and enhance functioning of the Service. They are also aimed to improve the match of the content of the advertisements to the expectations and interests of the User, to collect anonimous, aggregated statistics which allow the Owner to understand how the users use the Service, and help to improve its functioning and content. Cookies do not contain personal data.
  2.  The Service does not collect automatically any information, except for the information contained in cookies.
  3. Cookies are computer data, in particular, text files, that are stored in the terminal equipment of the Service User and are intended for the use of the websites of the Service. Cookies typically contain the name of the website that generated them, the time for which they are stored in a terminal device, and a unique number.
  4. The Owner is the entity placing the cookie files in the User’s terminal device and accessing them, with the reservation of the following provisions of this point.

Cookie files are used to:

5. Adapt the content of the websites of the Service to the User’s preferences and to optimize the use of the websites; in particular, these files enable recognition of the device of the Service User and a proper display of the website tailored to the User’s individual needs;

6. Produce statistics that help to understand how the Service Users use the websites, pages, which allows for improving their structure and content;

7. Maintain a Service Users session (after logging in), so the User does not have to re-enter the login and the password at each sub-page of the Service.

8. Two basic types of cookies are used in the Service:session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary files that are stored in the User’s terminal device until the User logs out, leaves the website or disables the software (web browser). Persistent cookies are stored in the User’s terminal device for the time specified in the cookie file parameters or until they are removed by the User.

The following types of cookies are used in the Service:

9. essential cookies, enabling the use of the services available within the Service, for example, authentication cookies used for services that require authentication in the Service;

10. cookie files used to ensure safety, e.g. those used to detect fraud in the field of authentication in the Service;

11. performance cookie files, enabling collection of information about the manner of using the websites of the Service;

12. functional cookies, allowing for “remembering” the settings selected by the User and personalization of the User’s interface, e.g., as regards the language selected or the region of the User, font size, appearance of the website, etc.;

13. advertisement cookies, allowing for delivering to the Users advertising content tailored to their interests.

14. In many cases, the software used to browse the websites (the browser) by default allows storage of cookies in the User’s terminal device. The Service Users can change the cookie settings at any time. These settings can be changed, in particular, in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser configuration, or to inform about each event when cookies are placed in the Service User’s device. Detailed information on the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software (web browser) settings.

15. The Operator of the Service informs that restrictions on the use of cookies may affect certain functionalities available on the websites of the Service.

16. Cookies placed in the User’s terminal device can be used also by advertisers and partners cooperating with the Operator of the Service.

17. We use Google Analytics collecting anonymous information regarding the visits on our websites. The detailed information regarding the privacy policy of Google Analytics, including the information on how the collecting of such data can be blocked, may be found on the website: Google Analitycs Terms of Service.

18. Our website is linked by codes of Google Analytics, Facebook,  AdWords, which are used to create remarketing lists to match personalized ads on the Google Display Network, Facebook. Based on cookies and remarketing tags, we can display ads to Users who have already visited the shop We can also use the data to direct ads to Users who are similar to those who visited the Shop Each visitor to our Service has the option to opt out of tracking via Google in the ad settings, similarly via Facebook in Advertisement on Facebook. The User can also opt out of most third party cookie files on the Network Advertising Initiative.

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